Job under paying 2 weeks in a row

So just a small rant.. I had a total of 120 pto hours that unfortunately I wasnt able to fully use due to my Gm quitting and now I was short staff and had to run the store. In sept we finally got some help so I was able to start taking a couple days at a time of my pto before I lost them come Oct 1st. So I took 2 days=16hrs first. When my check came they never payed me for those 2 days. I questioned it, but didnt make a big fuss.. and was told it would be on my next check. Cool. I then took 4 more days of pto=32hrs. So when I get paid today I would have the 32 plus the 16 that was shorted from the week prior. . Guess what!! They didnt pay me for not a darn hour. 48hrs short on my pay...!! I'm soo frustrated to the max. Then to only be told that I have to wait another two weeks for them to be able to send me a check. Smh I'm so over this company. Anyway thanks for ready 😊