Please please read. Bad doctor???


Ok. Looking for some advice. To start, I am in Ontario, Canada. This is going to be long but please please read.

So, my experience with the birth of my first son wasnt great. We live about 15 min from this hospital. It's a small hospital. 2 delivery rooms. 1 recovery room. All on the same floor as the people dying. No nicu. They let me labor for 2 and a half days before admitting me. Strong consistent contractions every 5 min. They finally admitted me at 3.5 cm. The nurse ACCIDENTALLY broke my water. Literally said "oops" when it happened. Anyways I laboured for another day and a bit I think before they decided to do a csection. 84 hours of labor TOTAL. I was in the hospital for 5 days. They left the epidural connection thing in my back for almost 2 days before being like "oh that's still in there? Oops, let's get it out" then when they discharged me they wouldn't let me put my son in the carseat. They had a young nurse and older nurse do it. They were struggling. Like they've never put a baby in a carseat AND THEY PUT HIM IN WRONG. (Will include picture) I didnt notice till days later when looking back at pictures. I was drugged up on painkillers.

Now I'm pregnant with #2. I had decided from the beginning I wanted to have this baby at a bigger, more qualified hospital 50 minutes away. The hospital where I had my son doesnt do vbacs because they aren't prepared for emergencies like ruptures. I've been on the fence about trying for a vbac, or just planning a csectio. But either wanted to have this baby at the bigger hospital. My dr has been brushing this request off since I first stated it. First it was "csection will be best" "vbacs are dangerous" and then it was "you have lots of time before we need to refer you" today was my 30 week prenatal appointment. My dr is basically trying to convince me to have my baby at this smaller hospital because he wants to be there. I said I think i want to try for a vbac and if I dont go into labor on my own then I want a csection. He went as far as "I've heard some bad stories about that hospital" and "if you meet with our surgeon to talk about your options then you have to have your csection here because it's a waste of her time and tax payers dollars"

He keeps brushing me off and at first said I need to be referred by 28 weeks, then it was 30 weeks and now hes saying 35 weeks. I feel like at my next appointment he'll say it's too late and I'll be forced to have a csection at this hospital.

I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO! Hes completely brushing off myrequest and I think it's because if I go to this bigger hospital he wont get paid.

I cant find a new dr because no drs in my area are accepting patients.
