Anti depressants


I'm starting citalopram 10mg tomorrow and I'm 27 weeks pregnant. Please before anyone goes mad, Its a very low dose, it's a class C drug in pregnancy and is one of the safest antidepressants to take, I had a very long discussion with my Dr, had 2 weeks to see if my mood changes on its own and then saw him again for a review and to discuss the next step of starting treatment. Back story.... I have only taken antidepressants once in my life before.. over 10 years ago for a very short period of time however this pregnancy has really got to me. Not because I don't love my baby... the complete opposite it true. I think it generally comes down to suffering awful symptoms for a long period of time which has started the depression off. Hyperemesis and SPD is no fun at all! That coupled with working a very stressful and demanding job has been so tough. I know once the baby is here those problems will go away so I'm hoping the depression will too and not turn into post partum depression but I felt I had to get a controll of it now to improve my chance of that not happening. For months I have cried, felt down, exhausted, weak, in pain every day and not been able to take anything effective for it, frustrated that I've not been able to look after myself, annoyed that I had to rely on others, hated that I've been unreliable at work due to constant vomiting and being criticised for it 😔 I'm now short tempered, don't leave the house much, really irritable, lack any energy, feel numb alot, and find myself staring into space often. I have lost pretty much most enjoyment in anything and it sucks, at one point I had horrible thoughts although I knew I would never act on them because that's not truely what I wanted, however never the less the thoughts were there and they scared me! (Thankfully they are not common these past couple of weeks) That's really what made me stop struggling on my own and tell my partner and my Dr. I want nothing more than to be happy and smiling again, to feel human. So here's to hoping these tablets work 🤞🤞. I know I'm not the only pregnant woman who has felt like this or who has taken antidepressants. I would like to know from people who have felt like this and taken treatment did things improve? And was it quick? I know the medication will take some time to get in my system and hopefully they don't make me feel horrible in the process. I could really do with hearing some sucess stories... Tia.