Im scared to take a test

Well where do i start at 3 weeks ago i started spotting nothang serious only when i wiped for 4 days on and off on the 4 day it disappeared so the next day nothang so later on that night i go use the bathroom and wipe its back so its im lost and don't know what's goin on so i put a pad on so the next morning i go to the bathroom is a spot on the pad it's not big and its not small so this happened for 3 more days so all together 8 days of me spotting so what im saying is 4 days of on and off that i didnt need a pad and 4 more day of me wearing a pads with not but little spots in them im confused because the spotting started 4 days before my period was supposed to come and with all of that goin on i was sick on top of that dizziness tired im sleeping all day wake up and back to sleep nausea like everything i tried to eat made me feel like i was bout to vomit riding in the car made me feel nausea motion sickness couldn't eat or drink anythang plus i had a nasty taste in my mouth but it was really a sweet taste that made water taste like a pound of sugar drinks taste over sweet i only felt better as along as i was laying down so with all that out there im scared to take a take because this will break me because we have been trying since we lost the 3 pregnancy i jus dont want to be disappointed yet again