Tired 😔


I feel so drained mentally and physically.

I went to hospital Wednesday for reduced movements and found out my baby girl is showing a bit on the big side so they suggested inducing me to reduce risks of shoulder dystocia.

They offered a sweep whilst I was there to see if we could get things going and found I was already about 3-4cm, midwife believed she got me to about 4-5cm following that.

I had on/off tightenings and mild pains following that but not very regular. I’m glad I’ve not been in actual intense pain but even though things have been somewhat mild I’m constantly aware of them so it’s just tiring mentally.

I went back yesterday so discuss the induction process and was given another sweep which again, left me about 5cm and was booked for induction today. I lost a good amount of my mucus plug last night and prayed things might start to move but again, lots of uncomfortable tightenings/mild cramps, no notable pattern/regularity.

I phoned up at 8am as directed this morning to check what time they wanted me and they said they don’t have any beds available now and they’ll call me later on today but it could potentially be tomorrow.

I hardly sleep at all because SPD causes me agony at night and being mentally a bit more wired since Wednesday has made it even harder. I feel like all I do is cry because as much as my hopes for an intervention free water birth have gone out of the window I’m just desperate to meet my little girl now. I’m so fed up 😔