Those of you who supplement and pump:



What times during the day do you supplement and pump? My LO has to have 2 bottles of formula a day due to poor weight gain and I'm trying to figure out the best way to do this. Thanks!

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This is supposed to help with the nutrition in your milk, they have a few other supplements that might help too 😁


Br • Oct 11, 2019
Excellent! Thank you so much!


Posted at
Do they want you to give 8oz of formula? I would mix it in with the breast milk and give it when you give bottles. How ever you want to mix it. I make just "enough milk" so I'll give my girl some formula mixed in a breastmilk bottle if shes still acting hungry. 😁


🙄 • Oct 11, 2019
Oh goodness... that sounds tough! Have you looked into a supplemental feeding system? Its a bottle that hangs with a tiny tube going to your boob... maybe that would help?


Br • Oct 11, 2019
Yes... Unfortunately since his calorie intake is so low, he is a very sleepy boy. I've gotten him down to a diaper, used a cold rag, tickled him, clicked my tongue at him. I've tried everything to keep him awake 😭


🙄 • Oct 11, 2019
Oh... I gotcha... I'm sorry. Ive never breastfed just exclusively pumped. Maybe give him a little formula while you pump? Have you tried getting him undressed to keep him up?