**SORRY IF THIS IS IN THE WRONG CATEGORY I WASNT TO SURE WHERE TO PUT IT** So I’m 16 and my mom and I tend to argue and sometimes it gets really bad So I was recording my dads reaction to finding out that my cousin is pregnant and my mom got mad because I was still recording a little after he was done (she told me to delete the video because she started talking in it also I was never gonna show anyone or post it) After that i stopped recording and she was just giving me ugly faces and attitude Then she tells me something about my top lip touching my nose which was very offensive to me and might I add I already have self esteem issues and that really made it worse I can’t remember what else she said but then I said this it why I’m moving out when I turn 18 She then said ok bye very rude I then grabbed my stuff and walked up to my room. She comes running behind me yelling to take my phone I hurry in my room and lock my door so that I could hide my phone Incase I needed to call the cops (last time we had got in an argument like this she was literally on top of me trying to get my phone and she was pulling my hair and slapping me) I was able to hide it before she got the door open by banging on it so hard She then asks me for it and I told her no so she started looking for it Then she just grabbed my wallet and I tried to grab it from her hand then she started saying I tried to push her which was not true at all Then we were just arguing for about 30 minutes and I was balling my eyes out the whole time and I just don’t know what to I’m tired of her always acting like the victim when I did nothing wrong I don’t feel like I was in the wrong at all we probably will not talk for a very long time and my birthday was coming up and my dad was gonna buy me sugar Gliders Now I’m sure I’m not gonna get anything because she always gets her way and everything she says goes I don’t know if I can stay living in this house with her She makes me hate myself I know my dad won’t do anything because he was downstairs the whole time we were arguing and did nothing My family probably won’t believe that she’s mentally hurting me because she is very manipulative I also can’t tell anyone at school because I’m homeschooled I have no one to talk to and I just don’t know what to do anymore also I have depression and anxiety this only makes it worse she just makes me feel bad for everything I do I can’t handle this please can you guys give me advice

Ps sorry for anything spelled wrong and not having punctuation I was in a rush writing this and I’ve just been crying too much to care thank you for advice in advance😕🙏🏽