Finally Accepting

Christina • Wife 💍 Mama CJ 7/3/2016 Noah 7/1/2019💙

3 months ago I gave birth to a beautiful 9lbs 11oz baby boy via an emergency c section after 4 hours of pushing. Soon after the reality that my body was quit different hit me hard and I was just so disgusted with how I looked I had this pooch from the c section I couldn’t fit into any of my clothes even though I had lost weight. I started wearing really baggy clothes anything to hide my body my husband kept telling me how I looked good for just having a baby and that he loved me no matter what body shape I had. Recently I started taking way better care of myself and today for once in a long time I feel really great and accepted my body. Hect it’s taken 9 months to grow and provide for my boy it’ll take time to come back to me. Here’s to 3 month pp