30 years old.


Friday was my 30th birthday. My husband and I told each other we weren't going to do anything extreme because we want to save money. So we went and got donuts and just hung at the house and spent time together with our daughter it was perfect! We decided to go out to dinner the next day I was hesitant because I've never left my daughter with anyone yet. But I gave in because we need some husband and wife time as well. My MIL agreed to watch her for us to have dinner. He took me to our special occasion restaurant. The place we had our wedding rehearsal dinner, our gender reveal, many special things have been celebrated there.

So I get all dressed and kiss my baby goodbye. It was hard! We run a few errands before we get to the restaurant! We finally get there and we are walking up the stairs and I think I'm going crazy cause I hear a baby and I'm like omg that sounds just like Luna. Figured I just miss her so much I'm hearing things. I get to the top of the stairs and hear SURPRISE! I see my my in-laws my mom my grandma and my beautiful baby girl! My amazing husband planned a surprise party for me. Of course I see my baby and start crying. He is so amazing. As much as we needed a date night it was such a happy moment seeing all my family there to celebrate my 30th birthday!

I started dating my husband when I was 20 years old and now I'm 30! He is the best man in the entire world! Our one year wedding anniversary is the 27th of this month I have to do something special for him after this.

Also, my baby girl is 7 months old today!