Placenta delivery


Seemed the most appropriate place to ask...

I'm 37w, so getting close! One thing no one has really talked to me about is placenta delivery. I've been told not to let them tug because that can cause hemorrhaging, take the drugs and speed it up, don't take the drugs and let it do it's thing, all sorts of things.

My OB isn't here this week, I'm meeting with someone else in his place for my appt and I guess being that this one isn't doing my delivery, I wasn't sure if I should still ask him about placenta delivery?

How did you moms go about it? Do most places even give you a choice? I know my hospital will want me out of the delivery room as quick as possible so I don't know that I'll have the option to let it happen on it's own... also, did they wait for it to stop pulsating before they cut the cord?? I didn't think about these things weeks ago! In my mind it was all "delivery baby and go home" lol