My biggest insecurity after having a baby


Everyone has something they struggle with after giving birth. I had no idea I would go through this and had no idea how hard it would be to fight. Mine personally, I suffered from terrible postpartum depression anxiety and acne. Acne has been my biggest fight and has not helped with the depression at all. I am coming here for encouragement to other mothers that may be struggling with their outlook after pregnancy and for some advice from other moms. I have tons of little scarring now after the acne finally settled down some. I had cystic acne so it was very severe. This is so hard for me to share these bare faced pics. I do not leave my house without foundation now EVER. I used to have perfect skin before pregnancy just mind this has been hard to accept for me. I’m 10 weeks postpartum. My body bounced back but my skin hit me like a bitch. If anyone has suggestions on how to help the scrars fade faster that would be amazing for me. I know acne is looked at as gross but not all of us can help it. I’ve tried everything. My hormones just fucked me. I’m 20 years old so this has been big on my self esteem as a young woman. I’m so blessed to have my son but this has killed me for sure. Any negative comments please leave to yourself. It took a lot for me to share this and reach out for help with my struggle.