Birth story time!
Only slightly traumatized 😂
So, I went to my 38 week appointment on Tuesday October 1st. 3cm dilated 80% effaced. I’m having period like cramps but nothing consistent. I’m beyond ready to get this baby out of me. My abdominal muscles felt like they were shredding and I was just so over being pregnant. Doctor asks if I’d like to be induced after I hit 39 weeks so I agree and we set the date for Monday October 7th! Would’ve done it sooner but my doctor was going to be out of town that weekend.
Well babygirl had other plans.
Thursday rolls around and I feel the best I’ve felt in probably the whole pregnancy. I get some cleaning and laundry done and put a few last minute things in our hospital bag. Hubby comes home and has had a rough day at work. So we hang out and talk a while. We cook dinner and help my stepdaughter with her homework. We hangout as a family for a while.. then we tuck her and her little brother in for the night. I had been told sex can help induce labor so I thought why not 💁🏻 I was feeling great and it had been a while and was probably going to be a while before we got to have sex again lol. Me and hubby finish (amazing btw) and lay down to go to sleep. This is around 11 pm. He tells me right before he goes to sleep that he wishes I’d have the baby tomorrow so he didn’t have to go into work 😂 I go to bed. No contractions and feeling great.
Hubby jinxed me.
I wake up at 1:30 am and I’m feeling some period like cramps. Nothing bad. Just a little uncomfortable. I brush it off and go back to sleep. Wake back up at 2 and holy shit I’m in pain. It feels like my contractions are right on top of each other. But as a ftm I wasn’t sure that’s what they were and just thought I was sick at my stomach and needed to poop. Tried to use the bathroom. Nothing. Tried to wake hubby up who is half asleep tell him that I’m hurting and he tells me to lay back down that I’m okay 🙄 well okay. Maybe I’m just being a tit. So I decided to see if a hot bath might make me feel better. NOPE contractions got way worse. Go to wake hubby up again and tell him I think I’m in labor. He says and I quote “you’re just having contractions lay back down for a little bit” ok. Lol. I’m ready to drag him out of bed at this point but I lay back down and let him rub my back and legs to see if I can get relief. I get one more bad contraction and jump up out of bed and tell him he has to take me to the hospital NOW! He jumps up runs around and gets the kids up and off we got to the hospital. We have and hour drive up there. We drop the kids off at his moms and take off. We got blue lighted by a cop leaving town and I told him he better not stop that he could follow us all the way to the hospital for all I cared. Pretty sure hubby thinks I’m just being a tit at this point. We get to the next town and he says “can we stop and get something to eat.” HELL NO we can’t! I feel like this baby is about to come out of my butt! (In the plan where I had to be induced it was the plan to get breakfast on the way is why he said later that he offered me breakfast. He also knows I’m insane when I’m hungry 😂).
We get about 20 mins away from the Hospital and I feel like I’m going to shit all over myself 😂 I’m crawling the inside of the van I’m in so much pain. I beg my husband to please pull over so I can use the bathroom. I at this point have severe diarrhea and feel like I’m going to give birth in the gas station bathroom. Hubby grabs himself some breakfast and off we go. I do not remember the rest of the drive to the hospital.
It’s about 4:30 am at this point so we can’t just walk up to labor and delivery so we have to go through the ER. He drops me off at the door so he can go throw the car in a parking spot. I go in and I’m doubled over can barely walk feeling like this baby is about to crawl out of my vagina and the lady at the desk has me filling out paperwork l!?!? I’m supposed to have all my info already in bc I’m being induced Monday!! Anyways I start feeling sick and take off to the bathroom. I started bleeding really bad so I come out and let the nurses in the ER know. She says “well you have two more papers to sign” I shoot hubby a look, he signs them, and she says “well y’all can walk on up to L&D” what?!?!! I’m doubled over in pain. No wheelchair. No help from them. Hubby gets me to the elevator.. we get to the L&D floor and I collapse getting off. I literally can’t walk anymore. This baby is coming out of me. Hubby takes off to find the nurses to help him get me up. Someone from the other end of the hall comes running with a wheel chair scoops me up and rushes me back to a delivery room.
This is where shit hits the fan.
They take off my clothes and put me in a gown. No one is in a big hurry bc I’m a ftm and usually (or so I’ve been told) your first labor takes a long time. Wrong. They check me and I’m already over 8cm. My water bag is bulging. I ask for pain meds and they tell me it’s too late bc baby is so far down if they gave me IV pain meds it would have an effect on her. The looks on my poor husbands face when they told us I couldn’t have anything. My water breaks about 5:15 and they could see baby turtleing. I’m crying and begging them just to get her out of me. Doctor comes in and checks me and says I’m at a 9 and asks if I want and epidural. YES!!! They start the epidural. Oh sweet relief. Hubby is being amazing the home time telling me how strong I was and apologizing for not getting up the first time 😂 my mom and sister get there as there putting the epidural in and when they finally let them back it’s time to start pushing. I could still feel pain in the backs of my legs but I feel amazing compared to how I did when I arrived. I pushed for about 40 mins and babygirl was here! Her cord was really short and the doctor said that it was pulling her back (hence the turtleing) and that was the only thing keeping me from pushing her out way earlier! I delivered her at 39+1. Labor started at 2am pushed her out at 8:02 am
Miss Zailey Hannah
Born 10/4/19
6 pounds 15 ounces
19.5 inches

Also this is what her hair looks like right after it dries 😂

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.