Baby fever is affecting my work 😳


So I’m 29, my fiancé is 33. We’re engaged and getting married next March 😁

I have baby fever so bad that it’s literally all I can think about, especially in the week that I’m ovulating!! It gets to the point where I can’t focus on my work because all I’m thinking about is when we can start trying for a baby.

The only thing is that we’re planning to go to the Maldives for our honeymoon, the trip is all booked and paid for. I just read that you have to wait 3 months after travelling to the Maldives before you conceive because of the Zika virus threat!! So that means we have at least 8 months before we cans tart trying, and I’m completely consumed by the thoughts almost every day!

How do you distract yourself? Should I see a therapist?