Terrified of giving birth.

It’s a long way to go till I get there but I am ABSOLUTELY terrified to give birth. Being pregnant and being a mom doesn’t scare me but the thought of pushing out a giant mass from a small hole scares me. And I know I sound childish saying that but it’s just something I’m scared of.

Like, the moms who have natural births, at home, in a pool or wherever, I salute you because I think that is the bravest thing to do. Like when men say women aren’t that strong, I want to bring in a mother who did it all natural and be like “get the fuck outta here”.

And I know I should put on my big girl panties, and trust me when I say I’ll do anything it takes for my baby to be healthy and happy, but that doesn’t mean I’m not scared.

Does anyone have some reassuring words or advice that I can have so I can be alittle less scared?

Sorry for the rant.