Thoughts and advice


So I found out I was pregnant in September of 2018 and after having severe pains they saw that I had 2 grapefruit size cysts on my ovaries. They said that once I got passed 24 weeks they would go in and surgically removed them. At 19 weeks I went in for an anatomy scan and he didn't have a heartbeat. I was induced and so on. This was in January 2019. In Feb I had surgery and the cysts were so bad that I had to have an ovary and fallopian tube removed, and was told that if I wanted children I would need to think about that. We tried and I found out I was pregnant April 1. Everything was normal in this pregnancy just as the last. On August 28 I started having some slight cramping come and go and it got worse and closer together. I went to er and was in labor they tried to stop but I had bulging membranes. I was given an emergency c section a classical. During my c section she removed a few tiny cysts. Unfortunately he ended up passing 3 days later. I have gone back to my doctor for my check up and she said that my decision is very hard to make but would stand behind me 100%.

So my question to yall is how long would you wait to start trying again. I know the suggested is 18 months however because of the possibility of the cysts growing and then I have to have surgery during pregnancy or not having the chance again. I'm not physically or emotionally ready yet. I also don't want to get pregnant too soon and something happen. Any thoughts on how long you would wait.