Boyfriend Hogging the Video Games 🤔 UPDATE

I need to vent because I'm really irritated. My boyfriend and I are gamers but we are broke. Therefore, I had to sell ALL of my consoles (xbox, switch and DS) but he didn't sell his because he didnt want to part with his xbox. So all I have to keep me occupied is the computer. Well, he suddenly packs his xbox away and starts playing on the computer

So I'm bored out of my mind for a week. I then decide to ask him if I can bring his xbox out and play, he says yes. I play for about an hour and then he wants his xbox back to play already

So I say okay. Its his xbox after all. BUT NOW he moved his xbox to the COMPUTER DESK so I can't even play the computer because he is playing his xbox at it

He's usually not this selfish but it's starting to get on my nerves because I'm pregnant and have literally NOTHING to do. I sold ALL of my belongings.


I told him he was being a hog and he agreed to move his xbox lol when I told him he realized how much of an ass he was being and apologized 😂 It wasn't a big deal it was just irritating how much of a hog he was being lol