Tired of being used UPDATE***

When I say I'm the nicest person I know, I'm not saying it to be vain or to brag. I would go out of my way for people I care about or consider friends. I don't have to know them for years to be there, it's just who I am and I'm tired of being taken advantage of.

Here's just one current story. I met this young lady about 10yrs ago when we worked at the same restaurant. We became fast friends. Hung out every weekend, and even quit the job and moved to another established together. We were inseparable until I got married. The thing is, she got married before me and that never stopped the party. However, when I got married I wasn't interested in hanging out every weekend but I still wanted my friend. She started calling only when she needed something or whenever she and her husband were going through it. I was always a shoulder and as ear, no questions asked.

She has since been divorced and I've been a counselor through all of her relationships following her divorce. Her current boyfriend have been accepted by my family and even stayed with us for a week while their new home was being renovated. I didn't ask for anything, free of charge. I judge a person's merit by what they do without being asked or told and they didn't even offer a carton of milk or a loaf of bread.

I still didn't take it to heart and had them over for Thanksgiving, Christmas and our kids' birthdays. They always came empty handed and left with trays of food.

My husband and I notice but we never made a big deal. He's always telling me that it's not his place to burn those bridges so he's waiting for me to see the true value of our friendship through their eyes.

I'm sick and tired now! They planned a whole trip with their other friends and called me only to pet sit their dog (which I gave to them as a Christmas gift because they begged and begged for him). I told them that I wouldn't be doing it for free as he's not used to our routine which we'll have to change up to suit him. My girl works along with mine and my kids' schedule. She's up and out early and my in laws or eldest daughter comes in before I get home to take her out again. Their dog isn't house trained in the least so they left puppy pads which he refuses to use. I get up at 4am to walk him and he comes back in and pee on my carpets. Every day he poops, pees and vomits on my floors, regardless of how often we walk him or how long we leave him out. My house stinks and I'm pissed off.

Everytime I mention money, my friend's boyfriend makes stupid jokes and talking about he'll owe me. My husband shampooed the carpets twice. It's getting cold out now so it's harder to dry. Did I mention my house stinks?

People use to come over and never knew we had pets because we kept our home clean. Now, from the minute I open my front door I can smell dog shit and pissy carpets.

While they're in Miami living their best lives without a care in the world, I'm coming home from work cleaning up after their dog before I get a chance to feed my kids or take a shower. He barks all night because he sleeps in their bed and I won't let him in mine. They said they'd be coming back for him today, yet I haven't heard a word about a time or anything.

I'm tired of being used. I've never been invited to any of their house parties or outside events. I'm only considered when they need a favor, smdh. I know they're not gonna pay me because they think I'm a joke when I say I need to be paid so that I can pay my children for taking on a responsibility they never asked for. How should I handle this? Should this be the close of our friendship?

So, they were supposed to come pick up the dog yesterday but never came. I didn't get a call, text, nothing. Today she texted me as I was leaving work asking what time I'd be home. They're not here yet and that conversation happened at 4pm. I'm exhausted and would normally be sleeping at this time as I have to be up at 4:30am. Smdh! This is beyond disrespect and I feel like they're saying fuck me.. I'm done!