

Anybody else mother bother them? Baby had her shots 2 days ago and we got back to her house and I cuddles my sweet LO ... Halfway through her falling asleep mother tries to forcefully take her from me. Uhmmmm... NO... Then when I finally get her well to sleep and need to go eat something she refused to hold her because.... I don't want to hold her when she's asleep. I want her awake... Then when I feel feed her later, I give her to her and tell her she needs to go RIGHT. Back to sleep or she's gonna cry like mad. Didn't want her roused to much especially the day of her shots.. what's she do but hold her up and try to wake her up more talking to her...... Another time she covered her face while she was cradling her with the blanket .. I'm like escuse me don't do that... "Why it helps her not be distracted" she says. She sleeps just fine normally and DO NOT cover my babies face with a blanket wtf is wrong with you... Uhgg had to forcefully tell her I do not have to be here and visit with her.. proceeds to tell my baby that her mother doesn't know shit (me) .. I know my baby 🙄😠