Need to vent :( porn issue

So for those of you who are comfortable with your man watching porn, koodos to you!!! I am very uncomfortable with it and my partner knows this I've caught him deleting history 4 times now weeks within getting caught he promises each time he won't do it again , but does.. I just feel that if he knows how it makes me feel...he shouldn't go behind my back and do it anyways, I never have. Any who when I looked through the history .. He had been looking up "fat ass's , milfs , divas ? Reallive can girls , blowjobs transparent tights ??? It makes me feel like I'm not good enough for him, he was doing this while we were showering together and got out before me because I had to shave, so he was just with me naked and wants to look at other women instead, that's just how I feel, he knows my insecurity problems , why does he continue to do this :(?