Emotional Outburst...

Today my husband came home and came in the kitchen and I forgot what he said but then he pretend hit me on the back of my head .. like a pat ... and I started crying ... He tried to hug me but I fell on my knees instead and my toddler came in ( she always runs my rescue when she sees I’m upset or if her dad is pretend fighting me lol ) and hugged me tight and started crying with me and I hugged her and cried on her shoulders ...

I have no idea why I just started crying , I was feeling so upset .

My husband asked me what happened and all I could say was I’m so tired while crying ( I have been having insomnia for Almost a week now I get 3-4 hrs sleep only ) . He’s like your either getting your period or your pregnant 😂

I know mood swings happen in pregnancy but can they really show up this fast?