My birth story! 😭🥰♥️


Alexander Lawrence was born at 2:42 am on 10-19-2019!

I had a sweep on 10-16-2019 and I bawled and bawled that it didn’t work! I had my bloody show the day after and I had read that it was possible for a sweep to cause that and it might not be labor. I cried and cried! I woke up yesterday on 10-18 and felt fine! I started having some bh contractions with period like pains and thought nothing of it because I’ve had a lot of false alarms. I decided to go to Walmart to get some things and get out and walk, me and my SO we’re looking at a jacket for him for work for when the temps drop and I was standing there and felt a small hush of warmth.. I instantly thought I peed myself but I wasn’t pushing, it happened again right away so I looked at him wide eyed and said “I think my water just broke”, I swear I wish someone could have caught a picture of our faces 😂 we both got wide eyed and we started rushing around, he said he’d rush to check out while I rush to the bathroom because I kept gushing small gushes. 😂🤷🏻‍♀️ I went to the bathroom and my pants were soaked so we hurried home and grabbed our pillow and hit the road! We had an hour drive, my SO was freaking out asking if we’d make it lol, I felt fine with minor contractions, I was a 5 at my last app on Wednesday so he was worried we wouldn’t make it. We hit a jam from an accident and my SO was hysterical about it, while I was all cool barley feeling pain. We finally got to hospital and my water did break and I was 6cm dilated! Wooho! We got admitted and into our room where I labored until 7cm and then was asked if I wanted the epidural since anesthesia was about to go into a c section so it was now or never, I wasn’t even in that much pain. I got the epidural which was a breeze! My blood pressure and pulse sky rocketed so they had to pump me full of different meds to get it leveled because it kept dropping and rising but not leveling out. I hung out for another 2 hours and I was finally at 10cm! They broke down the table and I pushed one time and he slid right out! He came out 9lbs 2oz and no tears! We’re both doing good! Baby hates his temp being taken but is silent for his 2 shots and a foot prick 😂🤷🏻‍♀️ good luck to any mommas who still have yet to deliver! You got this! 🥰♥️♥️