having babygirl #2 😢

i know alot of women are goin to say ur selfish an ur a bad mom an blah blah blah an honestly i get it. there are women who cant have babies or have bb trying for ever an would be happy regardless of the gender but for ME, personally ME an MY situation i was really hoping for a boy, an not just because i already have a girl but because my spouse is the last in his family to carry on his last name which is important to his family because in my town where i live his family was one of the first to colonize here so its important to his family. i am glad she is healthy no genetics issues but i was hoping an praying for a boy. my first girl is sooo hard to deal with she is a typical 3 year old girl with a lot of attitude and never listens. im just worried about how i am going to handle TWO of her !! lol. i was really upset when i found out i sat in the shower an cried a little bit because i felt like i let him an his family down in a way. i am worried about all the stress that comes with having 2 little girls especially when they get to teenage years. im sure there are other women just like me who were upset about gender for their own reasons. dont judge us. let us deal w our feelings because everyones situation is different and u dont know what their situation may be.