Any advice?

Rachael • Momma to Bella Rose ❤️ 7/13/19

So our LO is 3 months old and I’m not going to lie, it’s been really tough. Emotionally, physically, mentally, it’s all been draining. I started work six weeks after giving birth because my husband and I couldn’t afford to live off one income.

Anyway, I wake up everyday at 6am (LO wakes up at 10pm and 3am to feed, so I don’t sleep that much) to get myself ready before getting our daughter ready for daycare. My husband usually wakes up five minutes before he has to leave for work, takes the dog out, says goodbye to us and then leaves. I’m a teacher, so I work from 8-3 everyday, then come home. My husband usually asks me what is for dinner (assuming I’m cooking). I also have to ask him to put up the dishes after I finish cooking, or else he will just leave it for the next day. I have to remind him to wash my pump parts and bottles for the next day (if I don’t, he will forget, or fall asleep on the couch playing video games until 3am and even forget to take the dog out). I love my husband dearly, but he is always complaining that he is tired. This morning, I had been up with LO since 12:30am because she decided to wake up every hour. I asked his to take her for an hour so I could sleep for just a second, and he says that he is tired.

What do i do? I’m trying to help him understand how I’m feeling, but I don’t think he gets it. Any advice on how to talk to him? I feel like I do everything these days.


I was able to sit down with my husband and really hash out everything. We created a list of expectations for both of us along with a weekly dinner schedule and who cooks. Fingers crossed that this is the start of a good routine.