Loving Abuse


- A little history - My mother has been messed up by abuse my whole life. This made her allow all her children to be physically, mentally, and sexually abused by various husbands. When we told her about the abuse, she basically told us she knew about it, and she’d ‘talk to him’. Then she’d turn around and yell at us for doing what our abuser demanded of us. It was a fucked up childhood.

- Loving Abuse - My brother is now a mentally abusive man with three children he doesn’t care about, and an ex wife he antagonizes because he wishes she didn’t exist and share custody of his kid.

So the seriously fucked up thing about the whole situation, is that my mom loves her grandchildren, but insists that no matter how horrible my brother is to his kids, they ‘need their father in their lives’. My mom insists that if my brother wasn’t with his fiancé (who causes all the problems), my brother wouldn’t be this way.

My brother told my mom that he was going to give up custody of his kid to his ex wife just to get the ex wife out of his life. Like, seriously? Then my mom goes and tells me that she is forcing him to take responsibility for his kids by telling him about his ex’s illness and about how he needs to be more caring.

I am tired of this fucked up mentality she has that children need a father. Children don’t fucking need a father who doesn’t want them! They don’t need a man who calls them names and locks them out of the house because they are annoying, or makes fun of the way they walk or the fact that they have braces, or puts one child in gymnastics, but not the other one because she’s not biological. It’s just fucked up! And my mom keeps trying to force the abuse on them because they ‘need a father’.

Then my mom bitches to me about all the shit he does to them when they are in his house. It’s like she’s fucking blind. I’m tired of it. I keep telling her if she’s going to make it her business, she needs to do what’s best for the kids... she insists she is, then when the kids get traumatized, she gets mad that it happened, without taking responsibility for it.

Anyway, I just needed to rant. I live in an entirely other state across country, and I don’t talk to my brothers kids, but they know about me and I met them once. I wish I could do more for them, but there is noting serious enough for cps to get involved. Unfortunately, these children will end up like the rest of the world... full of depression, and anxiety, and daddy issues.