
Two days ago I had the biggest scare of my life. I’m currently 6 weeks and 2 days pregnant and been having bleeding on and off decided to head to the er to figure out why I was bleeding. They did a ultrasound and a Transvaginal ultrasound. After the tech finish I notice I was bleeding even heavily bright red and I was passing huge clots they was falling out of me. I was crying hysterically because I just knew I miscarriage but my levels were still high. I was in the worst pain and bleeding was picking up my doctor inform me I had a subchorionic hemorrhage and it was nothing that they could do but let it heal its self. The doctor inform me I could still possibly miscarriage but they did see a baby on the screen and that made me a little relax but I’m still scared. Any moms have this and had a healthy pregnancy and baby? Also how long did you bleed? What can I do to help the bleeding go away? My doctor didn’t put me on any restrictions but I been relaxing, staying away from sex and just staying hydrated and trying not to stress but this bleeding and cramping is making me so anxious 😞😞😞