
So I’m talking to this guy that is so sweet.. we met about a week ago when I was driving thru the window at the liquor store 🤣 ironically, he doesn’t drink because he’s in school to be a physical trainer and doesn’t really enjoy it.

Anyway, we’ve been talking and there’s a few things that I feel are red flags but I’m not sure if I’m just overreacting,.. I say this cuz these “red flags” remind me of the beginning of my relationship with my ex who turned out to be controlling af and an extreme narcissist... i want to give the new guy a chance cuz I don’t really know him yet, I don’t wanna judge him just cuz I’m holding on to my own bad experiences, but at the same time I’m terrified of falling for the same manipulation and be trapped again.

The “red flags” are his already strong desires for commitment and a future with me... (or at least I think it is). Keep in mind it’s only barely been a week thru only talk and text, never met in person.

He mentioned on our first phone call that he could see bringing me to meet his family in Texas (we’re in Arkansas), he’s brought this up a few more times since then

On our second phone call, his dog came in the room and I heard him say “hey buddy, wanna meet my new girlfriend?”...

Also on the 2nd phone call, he was looking at *houses* (not just apartments) while we were talking and when he found one he liked, he said “wanna be roommates?” then he laughed as if he was joking.. he lives in a big house right now with 5 other roommates and can’t afford his own apartment let alone a house yet.. idk this just kinda felt pushy.

Oh! And the first night we met he added me on Snapchat and within 30 min he was asking to hang out or go out THAT NIGHT. It was already after 10.. he claims it wasn’t for a hookup but now he won’t stop making the convo about sex. Again it’s confusing tho cuz it’s in a conversational way, not creepy, just fun ya know?

When I was first getting to know my ex, he always talked about our future too soon like “we should make a scrapbook for all of our memories” even tho it had only been 5 days and hadn’t even agreed we were in a relationship... those were red flags I didn’t pay attention too and I paid for it.. I don’t want to be in the same situation with this guy.. on the other hand, hes sooo much sweeter, nicer, has shit together, etc.. so I feel like it’s not fair to be comparing him.

A friend told me that I shouldn’t overthink it but she also doesn’t know the depth of trauma that my past relationship gave me. Maybe I’m just still healing? Still being sensitive? Ptsd? Am I right for thinking these are red flags? Help me!!