Need an advice - how to make healthy living a daily practice?


Hi everyone.

I was just contemplating about past 8 years of my life (that’s how long my hubby and I have been together) and looking back - thinking - if I got to go back in time, would I do anything different about? Would I make any decisions differently?

I found myself with only 1 thought of what I would do differently and that is - take care of my health better, not let myself put my body and health on back burner but instead workout, eat healthy to keep my body as healthy as possible.

So now I’m sitting here with this thought trying to figure out - where do I start?

Can anyone share their best practice of how do you keep yourself disciplined with making healthy eating/working out a part of your life?

I’ve never been disciplined with exercising so it’s hard. And I have about 45-50 lbs to loose. (5.4 at 182 lbs).

Thank you all for any advice you can give me!