Need help!

Samantha • Mama to a handsome boy and angel baby 👼 👦! Proud military wifey ❤️

I am just four weeks pregnant today and found out 6 days ago that I’m pregnant. They think I might be having a miscarriage due to my loss of symptoms and some blood (not a lot). I just got blood done to see if my levels went up from Tuesday but can you guys look at the picture and tell me if my new test looks darker than the last one? Should I still have one

This was testing from this past week the last FRER with the lines being the last one I took a few days ago with first morning urine

The last one being today with afternoon urine and post water? Please help I don’t want to miscarry again. I’m so scared. My blood pressure has been elevated and heart rate as well so I have to see my cardiologist :(! Anyone else have similar story and everything be okay? Any advice appreciated!