Getting closer


So I’m due with baby #2 on December 23 and I am a single mom, the father of baby #2 is involved and is a great guy unfortunately we got pregnant very fast and by the time I was realizing I just wasn’t that into him & all that we were also finding out we were pregnant, the father of my first son just had twins with his gf but is also great as far as being there for his son, anyways baby #2’s dad is struggling with us not being together, I’ve still done everything I can to include him in every part of the process so far & have him be involved but he’s hurting bc it’s his first child & I get that but he’s making it very hard for me to continue to include him bc he keeps blocking me out & ignoring my attempts to see him or spend time with him etc, I have tried to talk with him about it & sometimes it’ll make a difference for a little while but then it goes right back to the way it’s been so it’s been frustrating....anyways, he says he wants to be in the delivery room & wants to cut the chord & all that good stuff, with my first bc the father was away @ the time of birth my adoptive mom was in the room which was not exactly what I wanted but it was better than being completely alone for the birth....well I was wrong, the whole time I was in the room before I actually started pushing she acted as though it was such an inconvenience for her to have to be sitting there-that she had things to be doing, her mom was at her house so she needed to go check on her, etc so it made it so hard on me knowing that the father couldn’t be there with me & the person who insisted on being with me acted like she was being inconvenienced bc it was the day after thanksgiving & there was so much to do, UGH!! Anyways yesterday the topic of who would be in the delivery room with me came up & who would be watching my toddler during the delivery & she says to me that she will of course have my son while I’m waiting for active labor but that once it was time to start pushing she was going to be there in the room she didn’t ask me she was telling me that was how it was going to happen, and it made me so mad! I understand that she never gave birth herself, she adopted my two brothers & me so it’s a big thing for her to see a baby born but she fails to understand that it’s NOT about her & her wants, it’s about me & my son being born & that means it’s about what I want to happen not her, but what kills me is that if/when I tell her that she will not be in the room this time that I need her to stay with her grandson she is going to be all types of upset about it, she will pout & use it to guilt trip the crap out of me & I just can’t stand it it drives me bonkers!! This time it will be just me & the father of the baby in the room & that’s it & she can either accept it or not but I refuse to let her force her way in bc it’s not happening!! Am I wrong to feel this way? Is it mean of me to feel this way?? We’ve never really had any type of relationship, we’ve never gotten along or seen eye to eye on just about anything at all & for many many reasons I don’t want to have much to do with her but do have her in my life for my sons sake, but that doesn’t mean she can force her way into the delivery room if I don’t want her there!!! What I want to know is if that makes me a mean person or wrong???