Prayers Please ❣️❣️

Brianica • Mama to my sweet little Armani💙 24 years young ❣️

So on October 30th We have our next ultrasound appt! We’re so excited because we will get to find out the gender at this appt and see how much how little bean has grown! but I’m also really nervous because I know this is where they do some measurements and check to make sure things are going how they should. I’m a type 1 diabetic (13yrs) and blood sugar control staying between 80-120 at all times has been so insanely difficult while pregnant but I’ve been doing my best. My a1c was 6.4 at my last endo appt (about 2ish weeks ago) but dr said during pregnancy things are diluted a bit so with my hemoglobin reading 11 that means my a1c is actually probably around 8 and it needs to be at 6.5 according to the internet. I’m just nervous that my blood sugars could have caused things to not develop correctly in baby or something. We will love our baby no matter what of course he/she is such a blessing but obviously that’s hard for anyone to hear and accept if given the news. I just want to ask for prayers that all is going well despite the diabetes and that if we do receive news of something abnormal we will have the strength to easily accept and move forward if that makes any sense. Thank you!! ❤️