Feeling like I’m too boring 😣

So I’m the type of person who is extremely chill and laid back. I would consider myself an “introvert”. I don’t really like to party. I’m shy and can’t dance and being around a ton of people gives me anxiety. I don’t drink or smoke or do drugs of any kind. I love doing chill things like going to the park, or zoo, etc. I love being at home. A lot of people would get bored not going out and just being at home but not me. I actually like having time to just relax and watch Netflix. It’s not boring at all to me but I feel like to others that I am boring because I don’t like to go out and party or do drugs. I know that’s what most typical 20 year olds do but that’s just not me and I feel pressured to be that way because literally everyone I know is like that. Right now I have a lot of free time because I only work part time at the moment and I’m currently not in school so I’m at home a lot. Lately I just haven’t been wanting to do anything. Idk what’s wrong with me but I literally don’t even want to get out of the bed some days. I have a new boo that I’ve been seeing and he always ask me “what are you doing today” or “what are doing when you get off work” and I always say “nothing “ . I feel like he will think I’m too boring and go for someone who is more fun. He’s in pharmacy school at the moment so he’s always busy. He’s in school full time, plays sports, & also loves going out with his friends and me on the other hand is the complete opposite. I just don’t want to feel like I have to be someone I’m not. I used to date someone who was always partying and he didn’t like that I’m such a chill person so of course we didn’t last 🙄 but So far my new guy hasn’t complained or said anything about me being always in the house but I feel like it’s gonna come up one day and it freaks me out. Maybe I’m just thinking too much into it but I really just want someone to accept that this is who I am. I don’t like having to constantly feel pressured to be more “fun” in order to fit in... my idea of fun is completely different from most people and I want to find people who will accept me for me and not want me to change into someone I’m not. Anyways I just wanted to vent. Thank you for reading.