Just found out I’m having another little man

Angela • 44 yr old Mother of 3 older children to previous marriage & a 4 year old boy to my partner of 5 yrs, ttc no 5 for 2 years, did fall pregnant last year in June but lost the baby at 12 weeks. Now Just had my baby boy Heath William 13/03/20 😍

While I’m happy that Archer will have a little brother, I really thought I was having a girl, the potty shot didn’t show anything between the legs so I was thinking girl, I have 3 boys & 1 girl, 23 yr old & 10 yr old boy, 20 yr old girl to my ex husband, Archer is 4 in February to my man, little man is due in March. I’m happy & shocked at the same time, this is my rainbow baby & will be my last bubs. I do produce beautiful boys though 😍


