Moms who are still at home, do you ...

feel the desire to hand off baby duties to your partner when they come home from work? Do you feel bad about this? I’m still on maternity leave for another 2 months (baby is 6 weeks old), and my husband has been back to work for a month now. He works 9 hour shifts, so he’s gone for 9.5hrs on the days he works (5-6 days a week). I take care of baby while he gets ready for work in the morning and for about 30 min or so when he gets home from work. I try to do about an hour after he’s home but oftentimes I need to eat or just take an uninterrupted shit, lol. I sometimes feel bad having only him handle her feedings and diapers for the next couple hours, and I get the vibe that he expects me to be 50/50 with the baby when he’s done his workday, but mentally I’m just checked out. It’s a lot doing the same few things every 2-3 hours, plus random cries for pooping/burping/who knows why, for the time he’s gone. It can feel isolating and so monotonous. Heck, I even get excited to be able to go into our bedroom alone and put away laundry for 30 minutes 😂 I know this is what we all signed up for, and I love our baby to bits, but I guess I’m just trying to see if any other moms find themselves needing relief from the baby all day while their partner is at work and if they feel guilty about needing that break.