10/20/19 positive ftm induction
So friday the 18th i had thought my water broke so they told me to come in and get it checked. Well little did i know that since my bloodpresure was high everytime i went in (only about three times before) they had diagnosed me with gastinal hypertension mind you i was three days away from my due date 10/21/19 and Since they usually induce you well before your due date they decided to keep me and that we were gonna have a baby that weekend. Well it's like midnight they give me cervidal to try to soften my cervix since I wasnt dialted to begin with. It was supposed to be in for 12 hr but they took it out early due to me contracting to much mind you i have been hanging out the entire time in pretty much no pain that put me at 3cm okay cool. Well. Then they wanted to use a cook catheter to try to do something to my cervix amd put me on potosin which i did not want but i finally accepted it. Let me tell you. That was the weirdest most uncomfortable time. Like the first half hour or so i was in pain i didnt realise how mild it was at the time but i was big on doing it without ANY pain meds but at that time i truly questioned it. So 4am rolls around and im at 5cm and they take the cook catheter out still really weird feeling tbh but then i just chill out on potosin and see what happens well 9am rolls around im just hanging out they check me again and im still at 5cm so they gave me the option that they can either break my water or wait the 4 hr till my next check and see what my body does. So since im a ftm it's not even my due date and were just cruisinh along hanging out i didnt want them to break it to soon and end up stressin her out. So when 2pm on sunday came along i was still at 5cm so i let them break my water. I new once they did that. That's when the fun was gonna come in. Mind you once they did that the contractions definitely got more intense but if im honest it just felt like i had really bad constipation. I stood the entire time to labor at this point i did not want to sit in bed on a ball nothing i just needed to stand well by 3pm i needed to push and by 3:39 my beautiful daughter Sahara sage made her appearance into the world. I had no type of pain meds there was no screaming it was such a beautiful thing i had four people in the room with me who all did such a wonderful job of supporting me the team was amazing it was just beautiful im so proud ❤❤ she was 7ib 11oz 21" long with a full head of hair ❤❤

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.