I finally left.

I was in a relationship for nearly two years. Before our one year, I began to feel unhappy and the thoughts of breaking it off started to cross my mind. As the months went on, I cried every so often because of the way I was being treated and how I wasn’t happy. I had lost confidence in myself, I didn’t have anyone to turn to, and I was lost. I stayed for so long because I was afraid that I would never find somebody else. I stayed because I thought I was supposed to marry him. I stayed because I thought the way he was treating me was normal even though deep down I knew it wasn’t okay.

He hardly gave me compliments, never took me on dates towards the end, started trying to get with other girls, treated me as if I were his mom and not his girlfriend, and took me for granted as if I was always going to be there.

I felt as if I was already too old to start over and find someone who I deserve (I’m 20). But I quickly realized, I would rather be happy than be with someone who belittled me. So, I finally gathered the courage and left. It hurt at first, but now I am so confident with my decision and relieved. And, I finally finally FINALLY feel like myself again. I finally feel beautiful and confident again.

Now, he wants me back. But jokes on him, sis. I’m happy again. Without him.

If you were in the same position as me, do yourself a favor and find your happiness again.