BOYFRIENDS FRIEND (sexual assault?)

I’m posting this because I just need some advice on what to do..

On sunday night me, jayden (my boyfriend), connor (his friend), emilia (my friend) and tia (my friend) went to a party. Well we walk in and Jayden goes off to see a few guys he knows and I tell connor that i’m going to the bathroom quickly and he said ok (my friends usually come with me but they wanted to say hi to some people so I said it’s ok since it’s a house party). So i’m in the bathroom for maybe 3 minutes and I hear “hailey can you open the door” and I recognised his voice (connor) so I said yeah because I was just fixing my makeup at that point . I let him in and I start to leave and he slams the door shut and I asked what he was doing. He locked it and pushed me against the sink area and started kissing me and I was trying to push him off but he’s a football player and he works out everyday so he easily pushed my hands down and held them together. This next part is a bit scary for me so I don’t want to use a lot of detail because it’s in my head as i’m typing this. I’m a pretty petite girl for my age (we’re all 17) and as I said, the boys are very athletic so he didn’t have a problem picking me up and laying me on the bathroom floor. So he lays me down and he gets on top and he starts touching me down there while still holding my hands down (I couldn’t scream because the music was super loud and the bathroom was upstairs and I was scared). That in total lasted around 17 minutes (we didn’t have sex) and I ended up with 11 missed calls from Jay. At the end connor told me to go down and pretend like I had been on the phone with someone. I went down and acted normal. A bit quiet but normal..

I don’t know what to do now. It’s tuesday and I haven’t told anyone and I just want to forget about it but whenever I close my eyes I imagine it. Connor and Jay have been friends since they were young and i’m worried Jay will believe connor. What do I do??