I took plan B and I felt ok and now I’m worried


So last week the condom slipped off while my bf and I were having sex. He hadn’t finished and the condom came off halfway inside me, and the condom itself was dry and so was my boyfriends penis. I am on birth control (the mini pill, progestin only) but I missed a few days. 24 hours later I took Plan B One Step (last Thursday, October 17th), and have been taking birth control normally since.

I have had bloating, gas, and constipation, but as soon as I use the bathroom my stomach is fine and there is no bloating whatsoever. I have had nausea but it had to do with either anxiety or needing to eat in the morning (I am always like that). I am kind of always tired, but it hasn’t been any more excessive recently. I haven’t had to pee more often, I haven’t had any food aversions or cravings, my breasts are normal (no change in sensitivity, my nipples are a normal color, my back pain is fine, I haven’t been dizzy, my moods are completely normal, and there has been no spotting.

I have had excess discharge but I almost always do, so I cannot tell if this is any different. The only other thing worrying me is that for the last two periods I had, they happened every 2 weeks. The last one ended late last month (I will update the actual date soon). My normal period should start in 3 days, but I am still worried. Is there a big possibility I could be pregnant based off of what I’ve said?

Obviously the only way to really know is a pregnancy test, so I am planning on getting a pregnancy test either Thursday or Friday. I really need the advice.