Husband constantly makes plans with other women...

My husband is a social butterfly, and while that can be a good thing, it’s also a nuisance at times. We have a 2.5 y/o son and I’m due next month with our baby girl. My manager allowed to me to start my maternity leave early, so I basically stay home, clean, or run errands to prepare for baby.

On Fridays, instead of coming home to me and our son or making plans with me, I’ll find that he messages other women (coworkers, friends of friends, old college friends) to go have drinks and/or eat.

I get that because I’m not a drinker (even when I’m not 8 months pregnant), he would much rather find a drinking buddy that can accompany him on the weekend. However, it just makes me feel like he doesn’t wanna spend time with me or be around me. Like, there are other things we can do that don’t involve drinking..

I’ve talked to him about it but he tells me that he sees me after work every day and Fridays are his “fun days” when he goes out for drinks, hang out with friends. Am I overreacting? Or do I have a right to be somewhat upset? Just feels as if he puts me and our son on the back burner. I try to not bring it up too much because I don’t want him to feel like I’m taking away from his “freedom” but it does bother me..