Jealous ex going too far wtf do I do

My ex (baby daddy) is finding it hard to move on and let me go .. He is blocked on social media and my page is set to private but he still see's people's posts I like, I'm assuming through a fake fb. He went out of his way to inbox a guy who's become my fb friend recently that is a mutual friend (I didn't realise they knew each other) asking how he knew me, sent the guy a photo of me explaining I'm the mother of his kids and that we are on and off, we 100% have never been back 'on' since the breakup. I find this very uneasy and frustrating, especially since our youngest was playing his phone and found nudes from another woman. I explained to him he crosses the boundaries and it's wrong but he continues to do it behind my back and just tells the other guy not to tell me, although he does anyway. How do I handle this? It's invading my privacy, it's draining and making my anxiety and depression flare up dealing with this childish crap whilst he is free to do whatever and whoever he likes without me prying in his business!!