My mom ruined my relationship


For so long I’ve been trying to figure out why I can’t let this dude go, and every time my mind tells me, it shouldn’t have ended like that. In HS I was in love with this guy, he was a year younger than me, my neighbor, first real boyfriend, but I felt such a connection. Things were good, then my mom started getting involved. She started down talking me how I would never be loved, no guy would want me, etc etc. I would go to get the mail with my BF, she would walk down a minute later and cause a problem. She didn’t like his parents cause his mom was Jewish and viewed them as cheap. Suddenly we couldn’t carpool to school even tho I was driving and we were going to the same place. My mom started tracking my car and would just bash and bash. Eventually, I took her toxicity and put that into my relationship. I felt I had no self worth and our relationship fell apart.

I rebound after, got a ring and everything from the new dude and then called it off. I no longer resonate with what my mom said and have been working on self love. I thought maybe I’m having a hard time moving on cause I was in rebound for so long, but honestly, I felt like my relationship shouldn’t have gone that way and how could I have let my mom control everything. Angry that my mom couldn’t have been happy for me, but instead created a living hell everyday. My ex saved up everything he made in HS and offered it to me so I could move out of my parents. He knew how toxic it was. I have regret and prt of me wishes for a do over but he’s moved on and know I should to. Suggestions, advice, anything please

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