C-section questions

Stephanie • I'm married and blessed with a two rainbow boys! A baby on the way & 3 babies in heaven.

Hey all. I found out yesterday I’m going to have to get a c-section due to baby being very large and breeched. 😕 I’m so nervous, I think I may have to change clothing in my hospital bag. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I originally packed high waste leggings. The idea of thinking about having to pull them down sounds so painful. Should I get nightgowns??

Also after I have the baby and I’m home, can I wear the baby?

I’m scheduled for the c-section on Monday, if I’m out of the hospital would I be able to take my toddler trick or treating?

And lastly. Currently my bed is on the floor due to my bed frame breaking.. 😫 am I going to have trouble getting in our out on the bed that low?

And advice of anything that may help would be greatly appreciated!!