Boyfriend recently joined a bunch of "Men's" groups on Facebook...🤨😥

So, lately my boyfriend and I have had a huge dip in our sex life. We both normally have really high drives, and for the first 7 months of our relationship we'd jump each other every chance we got. Lately he's stopped initiating sex, and I have to initiate. Other times, he just says he's not in the mood.

I've been okay with this, I knew there was going to be a point in our relationship where the sex slowed down lol. We still slap each other's asses and are cute and the relationship is still going really well. So for the most part, I'm not bothered by the lack of sex. I'll get myself off when he's not in the mood, and all is well. He says it's the stress of work mostly, and he's just in a funk and will get his sex drive back eventually. So I've been trying to be a good girlfriend and keep the house clean and organized, always ready with a home cooked meal after he's done with work. He loves and appreciates it, and I know he's still very much in love with me because he says so and we still spend a lot of intimate emotional time together.

Well, a few days ago, he was showing me something on Facebook, and he was scrolling, and all of a sudden a fucking girl in a thong with a huge ass comes up, and he quickly scrolls past it. So I'm like "Um no, scroll back up what the heck was that" and he says he's in some kind of "guy's group" and sometimes guys post stuff like that, but he's mostly in it for the memes. So I'm like, okay fair enough. He hasn't lied to me before. All is well.

The next night, we're drinking a little (The only times we seem to have sex lately, he has to be drunk 😑, and I hate it) and I mention that we haven't had sex in weeks and that we should get a little freaky. Then he says "but aren't you still on your period? You know I've never really been excited about period sex..." And I was like, "no I just finished. We're all good to go!" And he was just like oh okay. Like not excited or anything. (We have had plenty of period sex before, and usually he's fine with it because he enjoys having sex with me, so this was kind of weird for him to be so against it this time) So I kind of just let it go and we keep hanging out and drinking and gaming. We eventually did have sex that night though. He came really quickly, but stayed hard enough for me to have 2 orgasms! (Because we rarely fucking have sex and I'm deprived!)

Well, I've been thinking about that picture on Facebook, so I ended up snooping. I really don't like to, and he's never given me any reason to before so I've always trusted him. I really don't care much about what he does or who he talks to because he's an adult and I don't need to be controlling. Well, I look at his groups, and he's a part of a bunch of "guys" groups and "sexy female superhero" and "ginger girl gamers" stuff. Again, okay whatever, he said he's there for the memes so I won't get upset just yet.

Well, after looking at them all and seeing all the posts, they're disgusting. No memes, just fucking models in thongs and over sexualized art. And guys posting nudes of girls they met over social media(which the girls probably aren't even aware they're being posted) and I'm just like Um what the fuck none of these are memes. PLUS I checked, and he joined all of them within the last few weeks and has liked a lot of the posts.

I swear, I'm usually not upset by these kinds of things. But the fact that he never wants to have sex with me anymore, and I'm always left to pleasure myself when he's not in the mood, and we only have sex like once every 3-4 weeks, then yeah I'm going to be pissed about this. I send him photos. I walk around in thongs with no pants on. And on top of that, I have a great body that's almost comparable to some of the models in these photos. What the fuck. And he's probably jacking off to these photos/videos when I'm home, available, and horny.

If I never wanted sex and it was me who was not giving him what he needed, I wouldn't be upset. But the fact that he's still doing these things and not giving me the time of day, I'm definitely pissed. I don't want to let him know I snooped, but I really want to let him know that it hurts to be treated like second class. How do I go about talking to him about this? Am I over reacting? Should I just let it go? I mean, it's not like he's cheating. Idk I feel hurt and don't know what to do. He's away for work right now and he's sleeping because he just finished his shift 5 hours ago, and will likely be home tomorrow...