Caught in the act? I’m

Heyy <a href="">Eve</a>,

So lately I’ve been feeling a gut like feeling that maybe my boyfriend wasn’t 100 percent committed to me or maybe wanted me to come stay over just so that he could get maybe I’m a place holder or something. One of my best friends texted him and was asking him about his relationship and if he was seeing someone and happy. He told her not really ...soooo? Is he playing me? (He didn’t know it was her) She asked are you seeing someone and are you happy? There was a pause so she said ok I guess it’s a yes. Then he replied (not really and yea)

But it’s crazy how someone can say they love you and call you baby and say your the best thing to happen to them.. buy you things and do all this stuff and not even care...

Pictures of the text from her phone

He appears to change is answer.. when I texted him he said I was being tricky .. idk if he caught on and was trying to play around ... but still ... when she showed me he said not really I immediately felt sick. There could be a small chance i am pregnant by him because I’m a few days late.... I pray to God I am not. Smh I don’t understand how guys can be so cruel 😢😭😫😣

Update Text