Online dating escapades continue..


So for any of you who’ve been following my crazy posts about dating.. I have a super fun one for y’all.

This dude shows up ten minutes late to a 7pm date- which fine whatever. But he comes strolling in with some duck wobble swagger (do kids still say that these days?! 🤷🏻‍♀️) Anyway we see each other and it’s instantly a mutual hmmm.

He sits down and we introduce ourselves. That was when I first noticed his teeth that he photoshopped on his profile pics. I mean I don’t have a perfect set of pearly whites but I’m honest about it. So that was one thing. Two- we were supposed to only meet for drinks and he decides he wants food. So I’m like okay, well I guess we’ll eat then. The conversation is flat and mostly him reasoning questions we’ve already discussed through email so I answer anyway. As I’m talking he watched the tv. Then he says he has to go to the bathroom. I knew then...he might actually dine and dash on me.

So I waited and was fully prepared to be disappointed and pay the bill. But he came back.

He sat down, and me the same question he’s already asked once tonight, paid the tab and then started to get up and say well I have to get going. Like ok yeah I’m ready to go to...

So we leave, or he walks ahead of me and just said thanks. Tried to hug me but I averted and went to my car.

The whole thing from start to finish, including the 10 late, lasted 49 minutes. I honestly feel relieved and also just wtf happened to me just now lol. Yikes!!!!