I’m starting to resent my marriage

I feel like my husband doesn’t love me anymore and if I go to him about my feeling he tells me that I’m always doing some “bullshit.” He makes comments that make me feel 2 inches tall. He tells me I’m an idiot, he calls me fat, he tells me I’m annoying, this morning he even yelled at me over how I put the toilet paper on the holder. I was trying to show him something on the laptop tonight and I pointed and he said “I can’t see anything because your fingers are so....” so I asked him what he was going to say he said they are so big. I’m 35 weeks pregnant and swelling. I feel huge. He made a huge deal earlier about me going to lunch with some friends. I can never eat with out being judged by him and when I brought that up to him he made an excuse that he just wants me to be healthy. It makes me wish I had my baby so I could just not eat anymore. Alls I hear is how I mess stuff up. He won’t even cuddle with me at night anymore much less have a sexual interest in me. I hate my self at this point. I wish I was skinnier, smarter, and would stop messing up. I am so frustrated I blew up on my aunt who didn’t deserve it. I know I need to leave and I know he’s not good for me. I just hate myself so much for putting up with this and even more so for not having the guts to just leave.