Ready for baby#2!!!

firt time mommy here

So my hubby just told me he wants to get me pregnant! Hes ready for baby #2 😮. I really wanted to get started on baby #2 asap because I would like them to be close in age but little problem here is I'm exclusively breastfeeding. Shes 5 months & still drink milk every 3hrs & 7hr stretch at night. My dr told me yesterday I should get on birth control & gave me the (your crazy) look when I told her no. Is it bad? I'm just excited that the hubby is on the same page. We are in the middle of a refinance so I hope it all goes well for us.

Pls give me some advice. Im freaking out a bit since it took nearly 3 yrs to get pregnant the first time.

If I start pumping & less breastfeeding is it the same? Sorry I'm kinda all over the place here. 😬😬