Brothers pt.23

The bride tribe danced & sang their hearts out & danced with the strippers. Leila was having the time of her life. They were having too much fun & realized they still had to get across town to the country club for the wedding rehearsal.

Jocelyn & Renee gathered all their things & Catherine went to the restroom with Leila. She was holding up Leila’s hair while she puked.

Catherine: Are you ok, Leila? I feel so bad... sorry if this was all too much for you.

Leila: It’s not your fault.

Renee & Jocelyn joined them in the bathroom.

Once Leila was done throwing up she explained to them everything & that she didn’t love Vance, but that she was in love with James. The girls all comforted Leila & told her they’d stand by her side. Jocelyn tried telling Leila that she didn’t have to do this. They all swore they wouldn’t tell a single soul.

Jocelyn: If you walk out, we’ll all walk out with you. But if you stay, we’ll stand by your side.

Leila: Thanks, ladies. I love you all so much.

Catherine has a bad feeling about the driver so they called back the strippers & had them drive the girls to the country club.

Catherine: That guy was creepy right?

Renee: Which guy? The bartender?

Catherine: No, the limo driver?

Leila: I thought he was nice.

Jocelyn: You couldn’t see him, Leila. He kept eye-ing you like a piece of meat.

Leila shrugged.

Catherine: Did anything weird happen when you were in the limo when we were inside the lounge?

Leila thought for a moment.

Leila: Well, I didn’t see anything thanks to the stupid blindfold. But I heard car doors open & close & then someone came in & kissed me & teased me down there...

Strippers: We’re all about the tease...

Catherine: Wait a second! That must’ve been the driver!

Renee: Well, did you hear a voice or smell anything?

Leila: The person kissed me, placed a finger against my lips & went down on me.

Jocelyn: Oh my gosh...

Strippers: Sounds hot.

Catherine: not if it was the driver.

Leila: I thought it was one of you for a while, but then the person quickly got out & then a minute later you girls came & took the blindfold & handcuffs off.

Renee: We need to do something about this.

Jocelyn: We need to report this creeper!

Vance & his groomsmen had a more formal day. They spent the day at the golf course at the country club. James sat out on the festivities & stayed home. He watched the clock & left at the very last minute. He explained to everyone that it was because he had a migraine.

Mr. & Mrs. Phillips were worried that the girls haven’t arrived yet.

Mrs. Phillips: Where are they?

Mr. Phillips: Let me give their driver a call.

Ugh he’s not picking up.

Mr. Richardson: Here they are!

Girls come running in.

Leila: Sorry we’re late. We drove from the other side of town.

Mr. Phillips: Where’s your driver? Who’s this?

Jocelyn: Oh, this is our..

Catherine: Friend.

Leila: Yes, he’s our friend.

Mr. Phillips: I tried calling Al, but he’s not picking up.

Leila: Al didn’t drive us. It was...

Renee: Gabe.

Mrs. Phillips: Who’s Gabe?