Unexpected birth story

Emily • 👩‍👧

I got induced October 17th, 2019 at 4am being 41weeks and 2days! ! My boyfriend, mom and I went to the hospital checked in got into the room and I was started on pitocin by 6am! I went in being 2cm and absolutely no signs of labor nearing. Pitocin finally is starting to kick in but I couldnt really feel any contractions. about 730am arrives im in PAIN i ask for medication and that made me super tired and I regret taking it. I am dozzing in and out of sleep and my midwife finally comes in and breaks my water 🤯 Issue #1 arises.....she pooped in the womb 🥺 Now im feeling the contractions even worse, I have no idea what time it was and i was extremely exhausted from the medication but couldnt sleep because the contractions were picking up. Time goes on and I am now in excruciating pain and i ask for the epidural which I almost missed as I was 8cm....I was begging, crying for pain relief. Im now almost ripping the collar off my boyfriend’s shirt going through the contrations as I get the epidural. They put the catheter in and it was time to push! I push for awhile but she isn’t coming out, she would slide down and go back up 🥺 Her shoulders were just stuck at my pelvic bone. My midwife then calls the OB/GYN and she gives me 15 more minutes of pushing and she would use the vacuum...well 15 mins go by no progression and I am now being rolled off for an EMERGENCY c section as her heart rate would drop with pushing as well. Im absolutely devastated, we get into the room and they get everything hooked up and my boyfriend comes in. I could feel them cutting me open and the pressure from them getting her out, the worst part was them stitching me back up. I remember saying “owwwww” I see my baby for a brief second that i barely remember...I was PUT TO SLEEP! I woke up in the recovery room completely confused to people holding my baby up to my breast breast feeding....I couldn’t stay awake to even ask questions...who knows how long later I finally hear my boyfriends voice and wake up.

My baby Iris Kehlani was born at 8lbs 6.4oz 21 in 3:13PM

She ended up in the NICU around 4am that night due her actually swallowing some of her poop :( she was in the NICU for 3 days and also ended up with jaundice

im still heartbroken with how my birth went since I dialated quite quickly and I literally don’t remember anything since for some reason I was put to sleep when they took her out...ive never broken a finger in my life let alone a surgery, but id do it all again for her