Why is cheating on a partner seen as a terrible thing?


Inspired by my previous post, asking opinions on an article about, Dr Ruth's advice to those who have cheated on a partner.

I'm willing to bet 80% of us have been cheated on by someone we've been in a relationship or have cheated on someone we were in a relationship with, at least once in our lives.

We've been there.. and if we haven't been there personally we have been there for someone whose been cheated on.

We break out the sad ass sweatpants, the ice cream (or the So delicious) we cry into a glass of wine to our girlfriends, watch a sad ass romantic movie.. that probably had a main character get cheated on and then magically finds their "true love"!in hopes we are gonna get the same strike of luck..

But why is cheating on a partner a "bad" thing?

I'd like some original feed back on this post about why you personally believe that cheating in your relationship is terrible.

I think we've all been conditioned to seeing cheating as a bad thing because someone told us it's bad.. that people who love you don't cheat on you, that good people don't cheat on their partners, that cheaters are liars and not worthy of relationships, ect

However, is it really that bad? If you think about it, we love many people in our lives.. our love for other people isn't deemed morally corrupt.. we build relationships with lots of people in our lives and it's not wrong... But loving and building a romantic relationship with someone outside of our monogamous romantic relationships is viewed as a terrible wrong doing.

So, let's talk about it.. why is it wrong?

Just to clear it up for some of y'all:

No, I haven't cheated. That'd require me to actually want put myself out there.. and I haven't got the time for that between... being a mom, catering to my families needs and creating absurd post on glow amongst the other numerous hats I wear in my day to day life.

I have however, experienced being on the receiving end of cheating and have also been the other woman (unknowingly) and from those experiences along with my previous post, it made me wonder why do we feel the way we do about cheating in romantic relationships.