Why does he do this?

So any time a female is on tv or a movie or something wearing anything other than pilgrim clothes (like a short dress or a tank top or something) my husband like instantly looks away. He says hes just trying to be respectful of me but its to the point where its annoying. Like if he didnt think they were attractive he would just act normal about it. But i basically feel like he only looks away when theres an "attractive" girl on the screen. I take it as "if i look at the screen I will think sexual things about her". Like he cant just control himself and it really bothers me. He calls them whores and hoes or thots or skanks. Like okay guess I'll never wear a short dress or a tank top because obviously just like you said it makes you a whore if you dress cute. Its extremely annoying. Like maybe if you literally cant look at another girl without thinking about putting your dick in it then you have a problem.